Friday, February 27, 2015

Do you see the Snow??

Atlanta Snow-magedon 2015
The winter months are the worst for me. I am the hungriest in the winter. I could eat any and EVERYTHING. Couple my winter time hunger with the FAKE snow days and boy is that a disaster. 
We were standing watch, looking for snow for 3 days. Running to the door, looking out the window every hour waiting on the white stuff.. No Snow.. I mean what kind of mess is that???
Being stuck inside is a slippery slope for me. I went to the store to get all my essential, HEALTHY, stuck in the house snacks. I walked all the aisles of the grocery store, just gawking at all the snack food. I finally settled on some fairly healthy items. I threw some yogurt and granola in the basket, some salad fixings, fruit, and a 7 layer dip (not considered healthy, I know). 

I bought this
I ate this. I am ashamed to post
 the rest :-(
Weeeelllllll, what had happened was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After several hours of waiting for the snow, cleaning out my DVR, and taking a few naps,  looked in the pantry. That was obviously the WRONG move. I kind of sort of deviated from the plan. I knew opening the door to the pantry was the wrong thing to do; however, I forged ahead. It started with a few pieces of chocolate. Then it was dry Apple Jacks, the I figured I would put some milk to it. The cinnamon rolls with tea (green tea. That's healthy right???), then SEVERAL spoonfuls of my FAVORITE peanut butter (this peanut butter with honey is the DEVIL). I ate a few more pieces of chocolate and then a few more. Whewwwww. My stomach hurts just thinking about it.  At the end of the day, I was STUFFED. 
I am always mad at myself when I do this. I am like why, oh why did I just eat all that junk. I mean there are plenty of things I could have done with  my time. I could have cleared the clothes avalanche off of my bed. I could have put away my one million pairs of shoes that are in the floor. I could have worked on this blog. Here's the BIG thing I COULD have done.. I could have done any one of the many workouts my trainer sent us via text message to keep us moving. 

In home WOD
50 dips
50 pushups
100 mtn climbers
500 single unders...600 for Marvin

Wednesday WOD
Warmup 50 jumping jacks, stretch b4 and after
4 sets, 12 reps each, rest 1 minute after each set.
1.Bicep curls, Overhead triceps extension, pushups
2.Hammer curls, triceps kick-backs, diamond pushups               
Then 2 of each:

1 minute low plank
1 minute low plank vertical toe tap
1 minute low plank lateral toe tap  

OK, no excuses.. I messed up. I got blinded by the Oreos, sucked in by the chocolate, tricked by the treats.. 

Next Year I'll do better...


  1. This made me laugh and relate to your experience. Love the meme of Summer Bodies Are Made In Winter.
